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Trigger Finger treatment
at Skin & Bones 

Trigger finger treatment at our Lancashire clinic

Trigger finger is caused by thickening of the fibrous sheath surrounding the tendon. This can cause pain, stiffness and swelling. When severe the tendon can become stuck, giving the sensation of triggering.


Surgical release of the tendon sheath can resolve this triggering. Traditionally this procedure is done with a surgical incision in theatre which restricts the use of the hand for several weeks.

Performing Surgery

How we do perform trigger finger treatment?

At Skin and Bones Medical, we offer innovative incisionless trigger finger release. This minimally invasive approach uses a special needle under ultrasound guidance to release the tendon sheath.


This has similar results to traditional surgery but allows you to use the hand for light duties almost immediately after the procedure. The procedure can also be done using only local anaesthetic in the comfort of a clinic. These factors make it an appealing choice for patients.

Cost of trigger finger treatment

Per session:

Duration of trigger finger treatment

Per session: 

60 minutes

Trigger finger treatment consultations

If you think you have trigger finger and would like to discuss treatment options, then contact us for a consultation.

Make a booking

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