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Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scans
at Skin & Bones 

Ultrasound scans for joints, tendons, ligaments and lumps

Ultrasound scans are a safe and painless way to image the joints, tendons and ligaments as well as lumps and bumps under the skin. 

Ultrasound is an effective way to diagnose numerous conditions including:


Tendinitis or tendon injury

Lumps and bumps

Rotator cuff injury


Plantar fasciitis

Ganglion cysts and Baker’s cysts

Nerve compression

Performing Surgery

How we perform ultrasound scans of bones and joints?

One of our fully trained doctors will get you comfortable in a chair or bed before exposing the skin in the region of interest.

Jelly is used to allow the probe to see under the skin and identify the structures.

Cost of an abdomen scan and diagnosis

Per session:

Duration of  an abdomen scan and diagnosis

Per session: 

20 minutes

What to expect from an abdomen scan and diagnosis

You may be asked to move during the scan, allowing a dynamic assessment of joints and tendons.

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